Saturday, September 13

Weekend Update

Hi, I'm still around. Haven't made a lot of progress with my plan though. Changing your whole life is hard and quitting work was the easy part, although scary in its own way. Changing lifestyle is harder. It's easier to stop something you're not enjoying much anyway, than to do something new. But I'ma gona do it! .... eventually ....

Anyhow, what I have been doing mostly is reading. Lots of fiction, but other stuff as well: science, politics, issues (peak oil, obesity, metaphysics). I thought I would introduce you to a blog I found called Junkfood Science. It's about the science behind the "Diet Industry" and the war on obesity, mostly in America, of course. The writer uncovers the studies and analysis that are overlooked, misrepresented, silenced and quietly shoved under the carpet cause they don't conform to the 'dogma' of the diet/fitness industry. Its like another smoking coverup, to a degree, or the 'war on drugs/terror'. All so depressing.