Thursday, December 25
Season's greetings
Hi everyone, happy holidays. I hope y'all's having a lovely family time. My favourite christmas card so far from The Far Left Side.
Tuesday, October 14
Unsung science
Why can't results like these be splashed around the news networks more often.
On Obesity, What the Researchers Didn't Find
More good news.
On Obesity, What the Researchers Didn't Find
More good news.
Monday, October 13
Possum momma has gone offline

One of the many bloggers I follow (the list to the right is just a sample) has been forced offline due to a band of small-minded bigots . We don't know for how long. An explanation can be found here. Possum momma will be missed.
She's baaaack!
Wednesday, October 1
Hey ho, its been a while. I haven't posted anyfing cause I haven't done anyfing, but I had to share this, even if only with the future me. These 2 poems (below) were submitted as comments on a Pharyngula post on a group of fundagelical religios in USA blaming the Wall St crisis on the gays and supporters of the gays. I just thought these were worth keeping as better than average examples of Cuttlefish's awesome work.
Posted by: Cuttlefish, OM October 1, 2008 7:22 AM
Sometimes, when your target is running around like a headless chicken, you don't even have to move your sights at all--they'll just run right in front of your barrel, and you can take the same shot over again. This time, I got two:
They say that God created Man
As part of an enormous plan,
And did so in His image, cos he loves us, every one.
When men of God discriminate
And treat their fellow men with hate
They do so with the knowledge it's what Jesus would have done.
When righteous men, in righteous ways
Hate atheists, or Jews, or gays,
Or Muslims, pagans, redheads, southpaws, foreigners, or Voodoo
I know at first it may seem odd,
But clearly, you've created God
In your own image, when you find he hates the same folks you do.
My God is pretty self-assured, and quite convinced He's right.
He made me in His image, so He's green-eyed, blond, and white;
And He's very, very wrathful with the folks who disagree;
He'll hold a grudge for centuries--Oh, wait--that might be me.
He's insecure enough to want to hear how much you love Him
And He never will forgive you if there's someone else above Him;
He'll jealously react to any threat to His domain
By smiting all His enemies--Oh, wait--that's me again.
He'll make the world a better place for those who think like Him
For those in opposition, well, the situation's grim;
He'll call jihad, or else crusade--some form of Holy War
Because He knows He's always right--Oh, wait--that's me once more.
He's handsome, bearded, steely-eyed, deep-voiced and somewhat haughty
So wonderful, his naughty bits are never seen as naughty
But perfectly proportioned, grand and firm and never shrinking,
A miracle of awesomeness--Oh, wait--that's wishful thinking.
Posted by: Cuttlefish, OM October 1, 2008 7:22 AM
Sometimes, when your target is running around like a headless chicken, you don't even have to move your sights at all--they'll just run right in front of your barrel, and you can take the same shot over again. This time, I got two:
They say that God created Man
As part of an enormous plan,
And did so in His image, cos he loves us, every one.
When men of God discriminate
And treat their fellow men with hate
They do so with the knowledge it's what Jesus would have done.
When righteous men, in righteous ways
Hate atheists, or Jews, or gays,
Or Muslims, pagans, redheads, southpaws, foreigners, or Voodoo
I know at first it may seem odd,
But clearly, you've created God
In your own image, when you find he hates the same folks you do.
My God is pretty self-assured, and quite convinced He's right.
He made me in His image, so He's green-eyed, blond, and white;
And He's very, very wrathful with the folks who disagree;
He'll hold a grudge for centuries--Oh, wait--that might be me.
He's insecure enough to want to hear how much you love Him
And He never will forgive you if there's someone else above Him;
He'll jealously react to any threat to His domain
By smiting all His enemies--Oh, wait--that's me again.
He'll make the world a better place for those who think like Him
For those in opposition, well, the situation's grim;
He'll call jihad, or else crusade--some form of Holy War
Because He knows He's always right--Oh, wait--that's me once more.
He's handsome, bearded, steely-eyed, deep-voiced and somewhat haughty
So wonderful, his naughty bits are never seen as naughty
But perfectly proportioned, grand and firm and never shrinking,
A miracle of awesomeness--Oh, wait--that's wishful thinking.
Saturday, September 13
Weekend Update
Hi, I'm still around. Haven't made a lot of progress with my plan though. Changing your whole life is hard and quitting work was the easy part, although scary in its own way. Changing lifestyle is harder. It's easier to stop something you're not enjoying much anyway, than to do something new. But I'ma gona do it! .... eventually ....
Anyhow, what I have been doing mostly is reading. Lots of fiction, but other stuff as well: science, politics, issues (peak oil, obesity, metaphysics). I thought I would introduce you to a blog I found called Junkfood Science. It's about the science behind the "Diet Industry" and the war on obesity, mostly in America, of course. The writer uncovers the studies and analysis that are overlooked, misrepresented, silenced and quietly shoved under the carpet cause they don't conform to the 'dogma' of the diet/fitness industry. Its like another smoking coverup, to a degree, or the 'war on drugs/terror'. All so depressing.
Anyhow, what I have been doing mostly is reading. Lots of fiction, but other stuff as well: science, politics, issues (peak oil, obesity, metaphysics). I thought I would introduce you to a blog I found called Junkfood Science. It's about the science behind the "Diet Industry" and the war on obesity, mostly in America, of course. The writer uncovers the studies and analysis that are overlooked, misrepresented, silenced and quietly shoved under the carpet cause they don't conform to the 'dogma' of the diet/fitness industry. Its like another smoking coverup, to a degree, or the 'war on drugs/terror'. All so depressing.
Monday, August 25
I Am a Question Mark
And while you know a lot, you don't act like a know it all. You're open to learning you're wrong. You ask a lot of questions, collect a lot of data, and always dig deep to find out more. You're naturally curious and inquisitive. You jump to ask a question when the opportunity arises. Your friends see you as interesting, insightful, and thought provoking. (But they're not always up for the intense inquisitions that you love!) You excel in: Higher education You get along best with: The Comma |
Want to see what sign you are?
Go on, it's only a short questionnaire. These pop-psych thingies can be fun.
Friday, August 22
Campervan specs
What do I want in a campervan?
Well first, what I don't want. Basically, I find most of the professionally designed and built campervans claustrophobic. They fill the space with cupboards and gadgets and a bed leaving a narrow corridor down the center of this tiny van you can hardly turn around in. Not for me.
What I want is a hightop or poptop, long wheel-base van that is empty or mostly empty. I have a single matress, a solar oven and curtesy of Ulrike at the RBWH, a gas canister. I wouldn't turn my nose up at some basic camping gear, like an annex and some folding chairs and a table, but I can buy them myself. As well as some plastic storage bins and a DC fridge. I don't really want to spend extra thousands on a microwave and water pumps and electric/gas stove and cupboards and chemical toilet and .... They just take up too much room and I'd rather use the extra money making sure the van will run well and is in good nick.
So if anyone hears of a good deal on a van, let me know OK? The Ford Transit vans are a good size/shape and definitely dual fuel, ie. running on both petrol and gas. Preferably with at least a few months left on the rego and registered in Qld would be best, cause then I don't have to get a roadworthy every year.
Well first, what I don't want. Basically, I find most of the professionally designed and built campervans claustrophobic. They fill the space with cupboards and gadgets and a bed leaving a narrow corridor down the center of this tiny van you can hardly turn around in. Not for me.
What I want is a hightop or poptop, long wheel-base van that is empty or mostly empty. I have a single matress, a solar oven and curtesy of Ulrike at the RBWH, a gas canister. I wouldn't turn my nose up at some basic camping gear, like an annex and some folding chairs and a table, but I can buy them myself. As well as some plastic storage bins and a DC fridge. I don't really want to spend extra thousands on a microwave and water pumps and electric/gas stove and cupboards and chemical toilet and .... They just take up too much room and I'd rather use the extra money making sure the van will run well and is in good nick.
So if anyone hears of a good deal on a van, let me know OK? The Ford Transit vans are a good size/shape and definitely dual fuel, ie. running on both petrol and gas. Preferably with at least a few months left on the rego and registered in Qld would be best, cause then I don't have to get a roadworthy every year.
Tuesday, August 19
Touching base
It's been a while since my last post. But nothing much has happened. I've looked at several vans and my solar oven has arrived. I've also been pricing mobile phones with cameras.
My sister came down to stay for a week, to celebrate her birthday and to see the Ekka. She says she enjoyed her stay. We had a good time checking out the exhibits and the baby animals at the show. Mich bought Aunt Joyce a showbag and a soft toy, cause she'd been ill. Then we watched the Show being officially opened by some of the local military boys and state bigwigs. And the grand finale of the fireworks. Of course I ate too much.
Back to Aunt Joyce. She was in the Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital several weeks ago, and as I was still working there then, I visited several times. She had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and they were going to wait for a few months to check how fast it was developing, before they decided on what treatment she should receive. So they sent her home to Rockhampton. Well, she died of a heart attack last weekend and they buried her Thursday. So sad for her family. I feel sorry for dad and my cousins, her children. Especially Sonya, as she had also just recently lost a baby to a miscarriage and then got married. I've been told she's still in shock. I didn't go to the funeral, but sent a wreath instead.
My sister came down to stay for a week, to celebrate her birthday and to see the Ekka. She says she enjoyed her stay. We had a good time checking out the exhibits and the baby animals at the show. Mich bought Aunt Joyce a showbag and a soft toy, cause she'd been ill. Then we watched the Show being officially opened by some of the local military boys and state bigwigs. And the grand finale of the fireworks. Of course I ate too much.
Back to Aunt Joyce. She was in the Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital several weeks ago, and as I was still working there then, I visited several times. She had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and they were going to wait for a few months to check how fast it was developing, before they decided on what treatment she should receive. So they sent her home to Rockhampton. Well, she died of a heart attack last weekend and they buried her Thursday. So sad for her family. I feel sorry for dad and my cousins, her children. Especially Sonya, as she had also just recently lost a baby to a miscarriage and then got married. I've been told she's still in shock. I didn't go to the funeral, but sent a wreath instead.
Friday, August 1
Trucker strike cancelled
Looks like we won't see trucker blockades and riots like they had in Europe after all and the supermarket shelves are still stocked.
Monday, July 28
Trucking strike
Just heard on the news, the truckers' strike is going ahead. They said it was for 2 weeks. Hope you all have some food stocks in your kitchens. The supermarkets may be running short soon.
It's done. I am now officially unemployed. Free! Free to move and find my next place. Free to explore and learn without job responsibilities tying me to Brisbane. FREEDOM!!
Leaving work was hard. I've worked full time for the last 10 years (almost) and the habit of going to work and the responsibility of getting myself there, appropriately dressed and groomed and getting the work done, has been the main structural component of my life. Now I've given the work over to Val and Sandra. I no longer have a daily commitment to force me out of bed early and out of the flat showered, dressed and scented to face the public. The temptation to sleep in, slop around in my warm sweats and read all day is always there, but I will be strong! I will not become the next Mrs Chicken*! But, I'm already missing that regular paycheque.
Last Friday at work was hard. Everyone saying goodbye. I almost cried several times. We had a special morning tea and I got lotsa presents: chocolate, Annette's sunflower seed balls, a book voucher, a Crabtree & Evelyn travel kit, and a Tomtom One GPS NAVIGATOR!! (New toy!!!) (Now I need the campervan accessory to stick it on the window of!) THANK YOU GUYS .... I'm missing you all already!
Then on Friday night some of us went out to dinner at the Pancake Manor in Charlotte Street. The one in the old church with the medieval decor. It was very nice, but I ate too much and got a tummy ache. Now it's all over. I survived the first leaving, now I have to organise and survive the leaving of Brisbane. My next deadline ... leaving Brisbane by 31 August. Goals for this month: buy campervan; get taxes paid; arrange a mail drop off; pack for the trip; sell, give away and dump rest of stuff; get flat cleaned, ... Northward Ho!
* Mrs Chicken: Several years ago, maybe even over a decade ago, there was a news report of the death of Mrs Chicken. She was a shut-in, living in a house in Brisbane. Her son visited regularly to keep her fridge stocked up. All she did was live in her little house and eat and she was a shut-in basically because she had grown so fat she couldn't fit through the doors to get out. When she died they had to smash the sides of the doors wider to carry her out and she couldn't fit in the ambulance. It's my biggest nightmare, that I could become like that. Although, I suppose being so short, I'd probably have a coronary long before I could get that wide.
Leaving work was hard. I've worked full time for the last 10 years (almost) and the habit of going to work and the responsibility of getting myself there, appropriately dressed and groomed and getting the work done, has been the main structural component of my life. Now I've given the work over to Val and Sandra. I no longer have a daily commitment to force me out of bed early and out of the flat showered, dressed and scented to face the public. The temptation to sleep in, slop around in my warm sweats and read all day is always there, but I will be strong! I will not become the next Mrs Chicken*! But, I'm already missing that regular paycheque.
Last Friday at work was hard. Everyone saying goodbye. I almost cried several times. We had a special morning tea and I got lotsa presents: chocolate, Annette's sunflower seed balls, a book voucher, a Crabtree & Evelyn travel kit, and a Tomtom One GPS NAVIGATOR!! (New toy!!!) (Now I need the campervan accessory to stick it on the window of!) THANK YOU GUYS .... I'm missing you all already!
Then on Friday night some of us went out to dinner at the Pancake Manor in Charlotte Street. The one in the old church with the medieval decor. It was very nice, but I ate too much and got a tummy ache. Now it's all over. I survived the first leaving, now I have to organise and survive the leaving of Brisbane. My next deadline ... leaving Brisbane by 31 August. Goals for this month: buy campervan; get taxes paid; arrange a mail drop off; pack for the trip; sell, give away and dump rest of stuff; get flat cleaned, ... Northward Ho!
* Mrs Chicken: Several years ago, maybe even over a decade ago, there was a news report of the death of Mrs Chicken. She was a shut-in, living in a house in Brisbane. Her son visited regularly to keep her fridge stocked up. All she did was live in her little house and eat and she was a shut-in basically because she had grown so fat she couldn't fit through the doors to get out. When she died they had to smash the sides of the doors wider to carry her out and she couldn't fit in the ambulance. It's my biggest nightmare, that I could become like that. Although, I suppose being so short, I'd probably have a coronary long before I could get that wide.
Ready for another diet attempt?
In the never-ending attempt to lose weight, I listened with interest this morning to the latest 'Health Report' on Radio National. Norman Swan interviewed an Israeli researcher on her 2 year study comparing the efficacy of 3 different weight-loss diets: low fat, Mediterranean and low carbohydrate. Each diet was calorie restricted, but not to an extreme measure and she managed to get something like 80% compliance over the 2 years. Findings: All diet groups lost weight. However, the low fat dieters lost the least, the low carb dieters lost the most and the Mediterranean dieters were in the middle. She also found that the low carb diet produced the best improvements in both blood triglycerides and blood sugar control and that even when the weight loss plateaued off, improvements in the triglycerides continued while the diet was maintained.
Which I guess makes sense from an evolutionary point of view. It's only recently in human evolution that we've had access to large amounts of carbohydrate-rich food. Since we domesticated grains and developed the modern strains of wheat, oats, maise, millet, rice, etc in fact. Not to mention the even more recent explosion in the availability of sugar! So I guess our bodies still runs best on the meat, leaves, tubers and fruits with occassional nuts and seeds diet we evolved on. As my brother muttered when we were discussing our sister's recent development of diabetes, the diet the doctors' recommended is just the basic healthy diet we all should be eating anyhow.
Which I guess makes sense from an evolutionary point of view. It's only recently in human evolution that we've had access to large amounts of carbohydrate-rich food. Since we domesticated grains and developed the modern strains of wheat, oats, maise, millet, rice, etc in fact. Not to mention the even more recent explosion in the availability of sugar! So I guess our bodies still runs best on the meat, leaves, tubers and fruits with occassional nuts and seeds diet we evolved on. As my brother muttered when we were discussing our sister's recent development of diabetes, the diet the doctors' recommended is just the basic healthy diet we all should be eating anyhow.
Saturday, July 12
Oh those Americans!
It's just a cracker!
Click the link above to go to a post by Prof. PZ Meyers in Minnesota that started a furor among some of the Catholics of USA. Here is the link to the main page of his blog where you can follow the resulting reaction. He's supposedly had death threats!
Anyhow, I've put the notice up at work anouncing my farewell dinner and morning tea and now the word is spreading that I'm going. It's starting to feel more and more real and the panic is hovering at the edge of my mind most of the time now. I look around and see how much I have to do before I leave Brisbane and I hope I don't chicken out of this. Everyone keeps telling me I'm soooo brave .... I wonder if they really mean stupid. But maybe that's just my fear talking.
Click the link above to go to a post by Prof. PZ Meyers in Minnesota that started a furor among some of the Catholics of USA. Here is the link to the main page of his blog where you can follow the resulting reaction. He's supposedly had death threats!
Anyhow, I've put the notice up at work anouncing my farewell dinner and morning tea and now the word is spreading that I'm going. It's starting to feel more and more real and the panic is hovering at the edge of my mind most of the time now. I look around and see how much I have to do before I leave Brisbane and I hope I don't chicken out of this. Everyone keeps telling me I'm soooo brave .... I wonder if they really mean stupid. But maybe that's just my fear talking.
Saturday, June 21
The first step
I have actually committed myself to this journey at last. I told my boss that I intended resigning and the paperwork was completed this week. I've been bouncing and grinning since then ... I'm so excited, and scared! Hope this isn't a big mistake. The official resignation date is 25 July (less any flexitime I still have by then). The word is starting to spread slowly. It's only a matter of time till everyone finds out!
Now it's past time I planned what to sell, give away, keep or dump and go about doing it. Anyone want to buy a second hand microwave with the LED screen blanking out in places?
Now it's past time I planned what to sell, give away, keep or dump and go about doing it. Anyone want to buy a second hand microwave with the LED screen blanking out in places?
Sunday, May 11
My first post
Hello world!!! Welcome!!!
If you've come looking for home decorating advice ... sorry, no can do. If you've come looking for a house or flat to buy/rent in Australia or New Zealand, see the real estate link to the left. No the other left! So, what is this new blog all about then?
This blog is about the only subject that I am the only world expert on. Me!!! Or rather, me and the things I'm doing. A 'journal' recording my journey.
I have a plan! I want to get out of the big city (Brisbane) and eventually own (and live on) a smallish piece of land near a small city, maybe Armidale, Grafton, Gympie or Maryborough. I am intending to make this a record of the journey, from my small 2 bedroom inner-Brisbane flat less than 20 metres from the main highway out of Brisbane, to my small, quiet bit of ground with a cob, mudbrick, strawbale or rammed earth home and a bit of garden, with chooks and a wormfarm. (Emphasis on quiet, as another semi roars past shaking the windows.)
To get from here to there will take a lot of changes and new skills and knowledge I don't have yet. One of the major parts of my plan is the exploration phase, where I intend to spend a few months travelling in a campervan to the various areas of interest, looking for land and visiting family. During this time I won't have a permanent address and will be out of phone range for some of the time. So this blog will also be a way to keep in touch with family, so they won't think I've disappeared and get the police looking for me.
The Plan - in summary
Downsize my life / possessions. I don't want to carry too much 'stuff' with me from now on. Also I want to become accustomed to the simpler types of meals and living standards I'll be experiencing during the 'exploration' and 'building the homestead' phases.
Quit my job. it's taking too much time and energy at this time. Once I decide which place to settle down again, I'll look for a part-time job to pay expences. Don't worry, I've got savings.
Buy a campervan - or a second-hand van and throw a small mattress in the back and put a solar panel on the roof to run the laptop, phone and lights.
Leave Brisbane.
Explore. Looking for a home territory and visiting family.
Decide what area to live in.
Find a part-time job and accommodation. I might stay in the camper van to save costs. Depends on if I can keep up the standards of grooming necessary in the campervan, to hold down a paid job.
Find and buy the land. Plan any large permaculture earthworks, like swales, dams, bore or contour plowing and get them done. Plan where the house goes and the attendent trenches and drainage ditches, then plant the food forest and the kitchen garden.
Build the house. Why not find a piece of land with a house already on it? I'd have to win $200 000 minimum on a lottery. I don't have that much money and I am reluctant to take on a mortgage.
Find Home!
If you've come looking for home decorating advice ... sorry, no can do. If you've come looking for a house or flat to buy/rent in Australia or New Zealand, see the real estate link to the left. No the other left! So, what is this new blog all about then?
This blog is about the only subject that I am the only world expert on. Me!!! Or rather, me and the things I'm doing. A 'journal' recording my journey.
I have a plan! I want to get out of the big city (Brisbane) and eventually own (and live on) a smallish piece of land near a small city, maybe Armidale, Grafton, Gympie or Maryborough. I am intending to make this a record of the journey, from my small 2 bedroom inner-Brisbane flat less than 20 metres from the main highway out of Brisbane, to my small, quiet bit of ground with a cob, mudbrick, strawbale or rammed earth home and a bit of garden, with chooks and a wormfarm. (Emphasis on quiet, as another semi roars past shaking the windows.)
To get from here to there will take a lot of changes and new skills and knowledge I don't have yet. One of the major parts of my plan is the exploration phase, where I intend to spend a few months travelling in a campervan to the various areas of interest, looking for land and visiting family. During this time I won't have a permanent address and will be out of phone range for some of the time. So this blog will also be a way to keep in touch with family, so they won't think I've disappeared and get the police looking for me.
The Plan - in summary
Downsize my life / possessions. I don't want to carry too much 'stuff' with me from now on. Also I want to become accustomed to the simpler types of meals and living standards I'll be experiencing during the 'exploration' and 'building the homestead' phases.
Quit my job. it's taking too much time and energy at this time. Once I decide which place to settle down again, I'll look for a part-time job to pay expences. Don't worry, I've got savings.
Buy a campervan - or a second-hand van and throw a small mattress in the back and put a solar panel on the roof to run the laptop, phone and lights.
Leave Brisbane.
Explore. Looking for a home territory and visiting family.
Decide what area to live in.
Find a part-time job and accommodation. I might stay in the camper van to save costs. Depends on if I can keep up the standards of grooming necessary in the campervan, to hold down a paid job.
Find and buy the land. Plan any large permaculture earthworks, like swales, dams, bore or contour plowing and get them done. Plan where the house goes and the attendent trenches and drainage ditches, then plant the food forest and the kitchen garden.
Build the house. Why not find a piece of land with a house already on it? I'd have to win $200 000 minimum on a lottery. I don't have that much money and I am reluctant to take on a mortgage.
Find Home!
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