Tuesday, August 19

Touching base

It's been a while since my last post. But nothing much has happened. I've looked at several vans and my solar oven has arrived. I've also been pricing mobile phones with cameras.

My sister came down to stay for a week, to celebrate her birthday and to see the Ekka. She says she enjoyed her stay. We had a good time checking out the exhibits and the baby animals at the show. Mich bought Aunt Joyce a showbag and a soft toy, cause she'd been ill. Then we watched the Show being officially opened by some of the local military boys and state bigwigs. And the grand finale of the fireworks. Of course I ate too much.

Back to Aunt Joyce. She was in the Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital several weeks ago, and as I was still working there then, I visited several times. She had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and they were going to wait for a few months to check how fast it was developing, before they decided on what treatment she should receive. So they sent her home to Rockhampton. Well, she died of a heart attack last weekend and they buried her Thursday. So sad for her family. I feel sorry for dad and my cousins, her children. Especially Sonya, as she had also just recently lost a baby to a miscarriage and then got married. I've been told she's still in shock. I didn't go to the funeral, but sent a wreath instead.

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